Casey is growing up fast, very fast, as this morning she told daddy that brushing teeth had to wait because she is painting her toenails blue and green. Furthermore, that she couldn't wear her slippers whilst she was brushing teeth as her nails had to dry and that afterwards she would do her fingernails. This was all pretend of course, but she has a good imagination, just look at the picture to see what she used as nail polish. You guessed it, blue and green cap bottles, where else would she get "nail polish" to paint her nails green and blue. I do like the colours chosen, don't you ??
11/2/2010 - Are there any gentleman apples?
We had just made a fruit salad after dinner and mummy was telling Casey what she had put into the fruit salad. As mummy explained that there were pink lady apples in the fruit salad, a very innocent Casey asked "Are there any gentleman apples?" at which point mummy told her without trying to laugh that there weren't any gentleman apples.
10/2/2010 - Casey is star of the day at school
When daddy was picking up Casey from school, he noticed that Caseys' picture wasn't on the happy sun (for being a good girl) or on the sad cloud (for being a naughty girl). After looking a bit further, he found her on the star of the day. Upon asking Casey if she was star of the day, she replied that she was and that she was a good girl and helped Mrs Werrett to tidy up the classroom. That night, Casey asked daddy to make a happy sun and sad cloud to put in the living room. After drawing them, Casey's picture was put on the happy sun because she was such a good girl at school and at home that day.

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