Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Monday, 16 November 2009
There was a bottle of Lucozade in the kitchen and she never came across it before. She asked me what that was and I told her. Then she pointed a word on the bottle and said "original". She was absolutely right. It was an original flavour of Lucozade. Mummy then asked her where she picked up the word from. Sadly, she couldn't tell me. However, mummy was still very impressed with her performance.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Mama's Birthday
We got a phone call from mama this morning. She and grandad just got back from HK. As soon as Casey had said hello to mama, she started singing "祝你生日快樂" to her. Her birthday was actually on the next day. We had been practising this little celebration song for a few days just to impress mama with Casey's new found chinese words. Despite it was sung one day too early, mama was happy to hear from Casey again.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Beginning of the half term
Leah Estava's Birthday Party
It was Leah's 4th birthday today. All the children were dressed as pirates and fairies. Casey particularly liked her outfit as there came a pair of wings as well. She was also given a wand at the party and later started performing magic..... abracadabra.
The trip to London
We took Casey to London to meet up with Berta, David, baby Samuel, Wendy, Roger and Jessica. She was really excited as she had the chance to travel on the train again. For it was nearly two years ago since our last visit to the capital.
There were a lot of announcements at the stations and she kept repeating after them by starting with "Ladies and Gentlemen"... and of course "Mind the gap". It was funny to hear her saying it all the time. She admired London very much and kept telling us that we should come back soon. I supposed she was attracted to the busy life and the buzzing atmosphere in the capital.
We also managed to find some time to visit Regent's Park and my aunt in China Town.
Ten Pin Bowling
Mummy and daddy took Casey bowling today. Casey had played before but it was a long long time ago. She did quite well with the barricades up and managed to beat mummy.

Thursday, 22 October 2009
Parents' Evening
We had our first parents' evening with Mrs Werrett today. All in all it went quite well. Casey seemed to be enjoying and doing quite well at school. In some areas such as recognising words and numbers she actually out shone her peers.
On the down side, she sometimes didn't like to share objects/toys with the other children. We had encountered that before at home when Jessica came to visit us. No matter what we said or reassured her, she was very reluctant to let go of her own possessions even momentarily. Is this a common thing amongst a lone child of a family? Both the teacher and I hoped that as times goes on, Casey will only become a better sharer.
She also seemed to have a problem with closed door of the room where she was staying. As French classes were held in a different but smaller room she would refuse to go to the class as Monsieur Dominique would have to close the door. However once she was inside, she seemed to be okay.
Friday, 16 October 2009

We went to Hockley Woods to enjoy some autumn scenery. We had a good time walking through the woods and playing hide-and-seek. We found some "magic" mushrooms and Casey was excited to see them. She thought we could pick them and use the fungi in our cooking. Not too sure about this one. Not an expert on fungi at all.

Later on, we went to the attached playground of the woods. Casey couldn't stop laughing whilst riding the see-saw. She could have gone on forever on it had we not all felt hungry.

Friday, 9 October 2009
Dreading of the jabs

Had an appointment for Casey's innoculations last Monday. Unfortunately because of her cold it had to be cancelled. Daddy had a lucky escape. Then it was re-scheduled for today. Mummy was dreading about it as she knew that it should be more than just one jab.
Funny enough. It turned out to be very easy. Nurse Jackie first explained to Casey reasons for the jabs and it would be just a pinch on each upper arm. Casey took it really well and did't even moan/cry at all. Mummy was so proud of her little girl. Even nurse Jackie said that she was the bravest girl she had ever met. Casey was rewarded with a packet of her favourit sweets and a sticker. Life is sometimes not so difficult ......
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Casey said today that she loves ma ma and wants to go to her house. Ah, how sweet.
Sun 20/9/09

We all had a wonderful time at Wat Tyler Country Park. Daddy,Casey and even mummy enjoyed playing with all the outdoor activity equipment. We also found the sonic marshmallows, where you can talk from one end of the lake and hear what was said on the other side. Casey even found time to have an ice-cream. All in all, a major success.
Wed 23/9/09
When mummy picked up Casey in the afternoon our little one had a chocolate in her hand. Upon mummy asking where she got it from, Casey replied that it was from Ali-abas and that she loved him. Our daughter is easily bought, just one chocolate is enough to steal her heart.
Tues 29/9/09
It was St. Michael's day today. The school had a procession of the pupils led by Mr Tompkins the headteacher. Casey and her classmates being in nursery were deemed too young to join in the procession, so they lined either side of the main pathway which leads from the pavement to the main door. Casey was very excited and enjoyed herself very much. Later on there was a party to celebrate this big day. Casey was in charge of supplying the mini breadsticks for everyone.
On leaving school, we bumped into Matthew and his mum, He is one of Casey's classmates. Whilst walking, Casey told daddy that she loves Matthew. Our daughter seems to be getting a lot of boyfriends already.
Casey and daddy visit daddy's old work place. We see Uncle Yogi, Uncle G, Auntie Pat, Auntie Shirley and Auntie Hannah. When we got there everybody said how nice Casey looked in her new uniform. But Uncle G had more important things to do, such as give Casey a doughnut, not any doughnut, but one with chocolate and lots and lots of hundreds and thousands on it. The doughnut was from Auntie Monal because it was her birthday. After daddy finished off the doughnut because Casey didn't want any more, we quickly visited the Dr's surgery to say a quick hello. Later on, we dropped into see Bhanu and Auntie Monal. Auntie Monal gave Casey a big hug and Casey said Happy Birthday to her. Whilst we were there, Casey also asked her for some Galaxy chocolate. This was because a long while ago Casey remembered Auntie Monal giving her a Galaxy chocolate. Well Casey didn't get a galaxy, but she did leave with a big tin of celebrations.
Friday, 11 September 2009
Managed to find hair clip and miraculously her snack box has turned up as well. However, we seemed to have left her pullover at school. Hopefully our lucky run would continue.
On the downside, Casey didn't eat most of her lunch, leaving her roll virtually untouched. We had to change our menu and decided to give her pasta tomorrow. This should receive a warmer welcome from our darling, as pasta has always been her favourite.
Fri 11/9/09
Again a bit tearful when mummy dropped Casey off. Luckily, she managed to eat more of her lunch today and that was good. We think that we will have to make variations on pasta, rice and noodles, which may need to be kept warm for her lunch. So I guess some research on lunch options may be necessary.

Casey received her first certificate from school today. It was for completing her first week at nursery. There was another first today, her first project was handed out as well. It was to produce artwork that can be turned into a christmas card. We shall see if the gene for creativity has miraculously appeared in our darling little princess or whether some helping hands are required.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Only the second day at school and our darling daughter has made the national newspaper. Well sort of, apparently Casey is the 5th naughtiest girls name in a survey of 3000 teachers. Coincidence or fact, only time will tell, but at the moment mummy and daddy think it may be true. Incidently, the name Jessica is close behind at 7th on the list, if Casey and Jessica get togther more often I am sure they will be a handful.
School was good, Casey was a bit clingy and tearful to start with again. Later, Casey had a bit of a problem going to assembly, but Mrs Willows stayed with her and she was fine. Otherwise, Casey enjoyed her day and rushed out to see daddy when I picked her up at 3pm.
Wed 9/9/09
Casey had some visitors today, May Yee and Shun Yi came over to visit us. They helped to pick up Casey from school today and stayed for dinner. On the way to the railway station after dinner, Casey initally said she liked Shun Yi and didn't like May Yee. But, quickly changed her mind and said she liked both of them. Bless her cotton little socks.
As for school, a couple of problems have arisen, Casey has managed to lose her snack box and blue hair clip. Hopefully someone will discover these items and return them to us. We live in hope. So between that and Casey chewing through her mouthpiece on her bottle on tuesday, I think that it hasn't been too bad a start to Casey's school life.

Monday, 7 September 2009
It was Casey's first time staying overnight at grandparents' place for just one day. She was a little bit baffled as she would normally be there for Mondays and Tuesdays. However, on the good side she can go out with both of them on Sat morning whilst mummy and daddy are at work.
Grandma cooked some "Hai Nan Chicken Rice" for all of us in the evening. She really enjoyed it and she kept saying how yummy it was. It was then followed by some strawberries and cream. As per usual, Casey only finished the cream and left the fruits behind.
When we had to leave for home, Casey didn't want to go as she thought she would be staying for another day. Never mind I am sure she will get used to the new arrangement soon. She said "thank you for the dinner" to grandparents just as we were leaving. What a nice surprise. She has never said anything like that before.
Sun 6/9/09
We took Casey to do a test run to her new school. The journey wasn't too bad. I supposed because it wasn't a weekday today. We then headed toward the seafront for a stroll. What a lovely surprise to find a little beach, seafood restaurants and some huts selling fresh sea produce.
Casey and daddy tested out the beach. They built some sand castles together and put lots of feathers in the sand, which daddy had found on the beach. She had some great laughs and claimed to be very happy.
In the afternoon, we had to fill out a form from St. Michael's with Casey. It asked her various things such as her likes and dislikes. In summary, our daughter likes to do jigsaws, watch childrens T.V., painting, gluing and drawing. She however, likes to play by herself, not to share her toys and is looking forward to going to school. She would like to do lots of things such as learning French, face painting and wait for it.............jumping in muddy puddles with the teachers.
Mon 7/9/09 - Casey's first day at school.

When it was time for mummy and daddy to leave after dropping Casey off, there was a tearful moment, until Mrs Werrett expertly distracted Casey allowing us to quickly make for the exit. All was well, until the school phones mummy to ask , why haven't we picked up Casey yet, they had got it wrong, Casey was actually staying all day.
At home time, all Casey kept asking was "Can I eat my packed lunch??", she had eaten all of her morning snack, but left her sandwich, carrot sticks, cheese and biscuits from her lunch, but surprise surprise all the hula hoops had mysteriously disappeared..........I wonder where??

Casey liked her first day at school and had fun painting, drawing and playing with sand. Unfortunately, there wasn't a muddy puddle in sight. All this fun and excitement has worn her out. As I was writing this blog, she was already fast asleep in her bed, the time was........you wouldn't believe it.........8:45pm. The earliest and quickest she has ever gone to bed.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
When all was done, little princess was put down on the sofa in the conservatory to rest. I had never seen Casey sitting still for so long on her own ever before. She said she needed to rest her foot. The little incident must have shocked Casey and she needed something to make her feel better.... Mmm guess what she would like. She asked for a cookie first but there was none in the house and then she suggested a milky bar.
A princess can have what she wants especially when she is injured. The pain was almost forgotten after the help of a delicious milky bar.
Monday, 31 August 2009

Later, Mummy, Daddy and Casey went out to dinner. On our way home from the restaurant, Casey spotted the moon in the sky. She saw the moon moving whilst the car was in motion. Believing that the moon must be tired as it was already late, it should be on it's way home too. I then asked her what we could do to help. Casey replied that she would like to take the moon to bed with her. How sweet......