Only the second day at school and our darling daughter has made the national newspaper. Well sort of, apparently Casey is the 5th naughtiest girls name in a survey of 3000 teachers. Coincidence or fact, only time will tell, but at the moment mummy and daddy think it may be true. Incidently, the name Jessica is close behind at 7th on the list, if Casey and Jessica get togther more often I am sure they will be a handful.
School was good, Casey was a bit clingy and tearful to start with again. Later, Casey had a bit of a problem going to assembly, but Mrs Willows stayed with her and she was fine. Otherwise, Casey enjoyed her day and rushed out to see daddy when I picked her up at 3pm.
Wed 9/9/09
Casey had some visitors today, May Yee and Shun Yi came over to visit us. They helped to pick up Casey from school today and stayed for dinner. On the way to the railway station after dinner, Casey initally said she liked Shun Yi and didn't like May Yee. But, quickly changed her mind and said she liked both of them. Bless her cotton little socks.
As for school, a couple of problems have arisen, Casey has managed to lose her snack box and blue hair clip. Hopefully someone will discover these items and return them to us. We live in hope. So between that and Casey chewing through her mouthpiece on her bottle on tuesday, I think that it hasn't been too bad a start to Casey's school life.

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