It was Casey's first time staying overnight at grandparents' place for just one day. She was a little bit baffled as she would normally be there for Mondays and Tuesdays. However, on the good side she can go out with both of them on Sat morning whilst mummy and daddy are at work.
Grandma cooked some "Hai Nan Chicken Rice" for all of us in the evening. She really enjoyed it and she kept saying how yummy it was. It was then followed by some strawberries and cream. As per usual, Casey only finished the cream and left the fruits behind.
When we had to leave for home, Casey didn't want to go as she thought she would be staying for another day. Never mind I am sure she will get used to the new arrangement soon. She said "thank you for the dinner" to grandparents just as we were leaving. What a nice surprise. She has never said anything like that before.
Sun 6/9/09
We took Casey to do a test run to her new school. The journey wasn't too bad. I supposed because it wasn't a weekday today. We then headed toward the seafront for a stroll. What a lovely surprise to find a little beach, seafood restaurants and some huts selling fresh sea produce.
Casey and daddy tested out the beach. They built some sand castles together and put lots of feathers in the sand, which daddy had found on the beach. She had some great laughs and claimed to be very happy.
In the afternoon, we had to fill out a form from St. Michael's with Casey. It asked her various things such as her likes and dislikes. In summary, our daughter likes to do jigsaws, watch childrens T.V., painting, gluing and drawing. She however, likes to play by herself, not to share her toys and is looking forward to going to school. She would like to do lots of things such as learning French, face painting and wait for it.............jumping in muddy puddles with the teachers.
Mon 7/9/09 - Casey's first day at school.

When it was time for mummy and daddy to leave after dropping Casey off, there was a tearful moment, until Mrs Werrett expertly distracted Casey allowing us to quickly make for the exit. All was well, until the school phones mummy to ask , why haven't we picked up Casey yet, they had got it wrong, Casey was actually staying all day.
At home time, all Casey kept asking was "Can I eat my packed lunch??", she had eaten all of her morning snack, but left her sandwich, carrot sticks, cheese and biscuits from her lunch, but surprise surprise all the hula hoops had mysteriously disappeared..........I wonder where??

Casey liked her first day at school and had fun painting, drawing and playing with sand. Unfortunately, there wasn't a muddy puddle in sight. All this fun and excitement has worn her out. As I was writing this blog, she was already fast asleep in her bed, the time wouldn't believe it.........8:45pm. The earliest and quickest she has ever gone to bed.
Lovely Casey in uniform!!!
ReplyDeleteI still not quite adapt to the new order in my (our) life (lives) :)