Casey said today that she loves ma ma and wants to go to her house. Ah, how sweet.
Sun 20/9/09

We all had a wonderful time at Wat Tyler Country Park. Daddy,Casey and even mummy enjoyed playing with all the outdoor activity equipment. We also found the sonic marshmallows, where you can talk from one end of the lake and hear what was said on the other side. Casey even found time to have an ice-cream. All in all, a major success.
Wed 23/9/09
When mummy picked up Casey in the afternoon our little one had a chocolate in her hand. Upon mummy asking where she got it from, Casey replied that it was from Ali-abas and that she loved him. Our daughter is easily bought, just one chocolate is enough to steal her heart.
Tues 29/9/09
It was St. Michael's day today. The school had a procession of the pupils led by Mr Tompkins the headteacher. Casey and her classmates being in nursery were deemed too young to join in the procession, so they lined either side of the main pathway which leads from the pavement to the main door. Casey was very excited and enjoyed herself very much. Later on there was a party to celebrate this big day. Casey was in charge of supplying the mini breadsticks for everyone.
On leaving school, we bumped into Matthew and his mum, He is one of Casey's classmates. Whilst walking, Casey told daddy that she loves Matthew. Our daughter seems to be getting a lot of boyfriends already.
Casey and daddy visit daddy's old work place. We see Uncle Yogi, Uncle G, Auntie Pat, Auntie Shirley and Auntie Hannah. When we got there everybody said how nice Casey looked in her new uniform. But Uncle G had more important things to do, such as give Casey a doughnut, not any doughnut, but one with chocolate and lots and lots of hundreds and thousands on it. The doughnut was from Auntie Monal because it was her birthday. After daddy finished off the doughnut because Casey didn't want any more, we quickly visited the Dr's surgery to say a quick hello. Later on, we dropped into see Bhanu and Auntie Monal. Auntie Monal gave Casey a big hug and Casey said Happy Birthday to her. Whilst we were there, Casey also asked her for some Galaxy chocolate. This was because a long while ago Casey remembered Auntie Monal giving her a Galaxy chocolate. Well Casey didn't get a galaxy, but she did leave with a big tin of celebrations.